Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My new classroom's artwork

I've decided to give my new classroom a "Rainbow theme".  Bryce decided to help me decorate by making this cute picture for me to hang up.

I'm taking ideas from this  I'm so excited to decorate a new classroom. I'll post pictures of the final product!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Daddy's first Pig Tails

Kyle took Bryce with him to run errands this morning, so I got the house to myself. Which was AMAZING! :) When they got home, I noticed that Bryce's hair was in pig tails. I asked them "Are these the same pig tails from yesterday?" Kyle said "No, I did those!" Wow, was I surprised! :) But she was wearing the same dress as yesterday...and Kyle's response was "She dressed herself." Such a daddy response!

Movie Time!

I was so nervous to take Bryce to her first movie that I waited until this summer when she was four.  She likes to talk and move around while watching movies at home and that's not possible in a tiny movie theater.  We chose to go to The Lorax at the Palace on a Tuesday where it was only $1.  That way if we didn't make it for the whole movie, I was only out $2. :)  We sat down with our waters and popcorn and she was so excited!  She did awesome!  (I also loved that she chose to sit on my lap during most of it!  Soon, she won't want to do that anymore. :()
Here's a couple pictures before the movie:

Then we had a Griffith playdate to see Ice Age at Northrock Theatre.  She wasn't as excited about this movie until after we got home.  She was tired and hot during the movie and I was sweaty from working out that morning so she didn't want to sit on my lap.  We haven't seen any of the other Ice Age movies so we didn't know what to expect but we both loved the "squirrel" parts!
We were a little late so we only had time for one quick picture before it started.  I tried to get a picture of her in front of the Ice Age picture out front but she was getting tired.

We also got to go see Brave with our favorite people, Cassie and Jersie.  The girls were so good!  It's fun to see Bryce having fun with other kids!  We went to the Warren and saw Brave.  What a cute movie!

Monday, July 16, 2012

We wanna "Pump It Up!"

My sister, Kimmy and I took our kids to Pump It Up today.  The kids earned a free jump for reading their books with the library's summer reading program.  They were so excited!

The kids had a blast!  Kim and I, not so much.  There was a group of 4-6 boys that ran around like "hooligans"...  Their parents just sat on the floor and talked the whole time.  I don't think any of them ever got up and checked on their kids.  Granted the kids were older but they were hurting other kids by the way they were "playing".  The poor girl who worked there looked so mad and stressed the whole time.  You couldn't have paid me enough!  At least, the kids loved it! :)

THANK YOU for all the fun at the Griffith Playdates!

Bryce and I want to say THANK YOU to all those who came to the Griffith Playdates!  We had a blast and can't believe they are over and school will soon be starting!  Enjoy your last few weeks!  We may have to set up some playdates during the other breaks from school too. :)

Sedgwick County Park-June 1, 2012

Riverside Park-June 15, 2012

Ice Age Movie at Northrock- July 13, 2012

Our newest art project

I let Bryce make a painting to put on our fireplace. It turned out pretty cute!  (Next time I'll use stickers so all the letters are the same size, but tape worked out alright. 

My smart girl!

 She has been spelling her name since the week before she turned 4. 
(Usually she puts a 3 and 4 with it, since she used to be 3 and now she's 4. haha)

Bryce can now write her name! She writes it on all her papers and pictures. She also just figured out how to write it in a straight line instead of all over her paper. I love her!
 She started writing her name like this.

 Moved on to this.  She had them in order just going up instead of straight.

Now she writes her name like this! All of this in less than a month! :)

She can also identify most of the numbers 1-10.  She sometimes get tripped up with 6, 7 and 9.

Letters are a little harder for her.  She can identify all the letters in her name (B,R,Y,C,E) and points them out whereever we go! She can also identify A, O, S. 
(Total she knows 8!:A, B, C, E, O, R, S, Y)

She knows all her colors and even knows that red and blue make purple, blue and yellow make green.

She also knows all her shapes.  We are still working on a diamond is an rhombus and an oval is an ellipse.:)

She can also add and subtract like a champ.  Which is funny because she still has trouble counting to 10.  (She counts to 6 and then mixes the rest around!) She adds slug bugs daily when we find them while driving.  It's crazy!  She also will subtract when she s counting how many snacks she has left or how many pictures she has left.  Kyle said she gets this talent from him.  I may have to agree! :)

I'm excited to see how much she learns when she starts preschool in August!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bringing up the pictures!

We have decided to take our house off the market for awhile and wait out the buyer's market.  The plus sign to this is that I got to bring up all my picture frames from upstairs!  But now I'm having trouble "decorating" with them...  I loved how uncluttered our house was without them, but I love looking at them!  I've decided to go through my pinterest ideas and see if any of them will work.  Our living areas downstairs have little wall space, but I'll figure something out!  Wait for pictures!

P.S. I'm still ready to move! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ending to our weekend...

I sent Bryce upstairs to bed as I was finishing up my blog writing and adding pictures to Facebook.  I told her I'd be up there soon.  Thirty minutes later I went up there and found her like this:

I'd say she had a busy weekend!