She has been spelling her name since the week before she turned 4.
(Usually she puts a 3 and 4 with it, since she used to be 3 and now she's 4. haha)
Bryce can now write her name! She writes it on all her papers and pictures. She also just figured out how to write it in a straight line instead of all over her paper. I love her!
She started writing her name like this.
Moved on to this. She had them in order just going up instead of straight.
Now she writes her name like this! All of this in less than a month! :)
She can also identify most of the numbers 1-10. She sometimes get tripped up with 6, 7 and 9.
Letters are a little harder for her. She can identify all the letters in her name (B,R,Y,C,E) and points them out whereever we go! She can also identify A, O, S.
(Total she knows 8!:A, B, C, E, O, R, S, Y)
She knows all her colors and even knows that red and blue make purple, blue and yellow make green.
She also knows all her shapes. We are still working on a diamond is an rhombus and an oval is an ellipse.:)
She can also add and subtract like a champ. Which is funny because she still has trouble counting to 10. (She counts to 6 and then mixes the rest around!) She adds slug bugs daily when we find them while driving. It's crazy! She also will subtract when she s counting how many snacks she has left or how many pictures she has left. Kyle said she gets this talent from him. I may have to agree! :)
I'm excited to see how much she learns when she starts preschool in August!
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