Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bryce is 7 months old!!

Brycee went to the doctor yesterday for her "6 month appointment" a month later. The doctor told us to wait awhile so he could check her ears after her ear infection. She has a clean bill of health. She weighed in at 16.8 pounds which is in the 38% percentile and is 25 1/2 inches, 19 percentile. The doctor said that more than likely Bryce will be short like me... :) She was already really tired due to missing her afternoon nap, so the shots were pretty brutal! She has some lungs on her!

When we got home we decided to put Brycee into her pjs for bedtime, since it was already 6:00. In the process of dressing her, she threw up all over herself and me! It was very stinky and a lot! I thought maybe it was from the shots, so I cleaned her up and put her to bed. She slept the whole night without a peep. In the morning, I woke her up and noticed more vomit in her crib and she had a very nasty diaper. Long story short, Bryce stayed home with me today. Bryce has a history of getting sick AFTER we have went to the doctor! :) She was very whiney today and slept most of the day. She seems a little better tonight, so I hope we are out of the woods. I hate to see her hurting and not know how to help her.

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