Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween #4!

It's hard to believe that this will be Bryce's 4th Halloween!  Her first Halloween she was a monkey.  She wasn't too happy wearing her costume, but she sure was cute!
First Halloween, 4 months old

The next Halloween, Bryce was a lion.  She did much better in the costume and ate her first Halloween candy.  We took Bryce and her cousin, Alajiah to Night of the Living Zoo.  It was cold, but we all had fun!
16 months

Bryce's Halloween as a 2 year old was the best so far!  We got to do so many activities!  For one, she was actually walking....we didn't have a walker until 18 months! :)  Bryce was our little ladybug. 
2 years old

I'm so excited for her 4th Halloween and to see her in her 2 costumes!  Yes, I said two.  She just couldn't decide on one!  Stay tuned for pics...... :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bryce's new pajamas!

Bryce has been obsessed with princesses lately!  Her favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast and she is going to Belle for Halloween. 

Kyle took B to Wal-Mart last Friday to get some new socks and sweats and she ended up coming home with a new nightgown with Princesses on it!  She carried it everywhere that day and even slept with it (instead of wearing it!).  :)

That night we ran to Target to get a few things and since she had been good at Applebee's before she got to get a toy.  She chose more pajamas instead! :) I actually got her to put them on before bedtime today.  Isn't she cute? :)

Prairie Fire Marathon

I ran my first marathon on October 9.  I was super excited but nervous that I wouldn't be able to run the whole thing.  My training went good and I was hoping the run would go just as good.  I found out the Thursday before that I was going to have to have surgery to remove a cyst on my right ovary.  This was scarier than the marathon to me!  My surgery was scheduled for the Thursday after the marathon.  I asked the dr if the cysts could have been caused from all my running, but he said no.  He said that there could be pain running due to them because it was like a ball bouncing around in there.  I hadn't had any real pain yet. 

The day of the marathon, I woke up ready to go!  When the race started, I knew I didn't feel right.  Aftet mile 3, my stomach was killing me and I was hoping I was just hungry so I ate some GU and kept going.  I ran probably faster than I should of just to get done faster and hoped the pain would go away.  By mile 10, I had to start walking a little in between running just to help my stomach.  I was so bummed.  I trained so hard for this and now I couldn't even run 13 miles (a half marathon) without walking.  I did finish even though I was in so much stomach pain.  My time was 5 hours and 7 minutes.  I am proud of myself for finishing, but I'm ready for the next one to redeem myself! 

I'm starting to think that the pain was caused by the cysts because after my surgery I had pain in the same area of my stomach.  I chalk it all down to bad timing!

Monday, October 3, 2011

FALL is here!

Fall is probably my favorite time of year... Pumpkin spice, pumpkins, apples and Halloween!  Kyle was in Colorado at a Beer Brewing conference, so it was a mother-daughter weekend.  After working out at Strollers in Motion, we decided to head to the pumpkin patch.  This was Pumpkin Patch trip #1!  We went to Cox's Farm and had a blast.  We rode the hay ride to the pumpkin patch and I got to watch Bryce choose the perfect "yittle" pumpkin.  She was so cute!  After finding the perfect pumpkin, we went and fed the goats, llama and sheep.  Bryce wasn't that excited about this...:)

I love spending time with my little girl and can't wait for the rest of fall to spend it with her!
Upcoming Fall Activities:
Pumpkin Patch with grandma Rogers and cousins
Pumpkin Patch with Jersie, Davin and Cassie (Hopefully!)
Walter's Pumpkin Patch 5K and pumpkin patch with daddy
Bootanica at Botanica
Night of the Living Zoo at Sedgwick County Zoo
Halloween at Cowtown
and more! :)